Sunday, January 9, 2011

That Fucking Platitude Again

Oh and you know,
I really wish those
Folks would just stop
Bleeting the same
Banal bullshit,
Again with such
Damn precision
That I can set
My fucking watch
To another
Of them saying
"Oh God is love!"

When you cry out
And you should know,

We all cry out.

There's no magic
In that voice that
Sometimes answers.

That voice in the darkness is you,
And that voice in the darkness is me.

I cling to you,
And you cling to me.
We all grip tightly together,
As we're hurdling through space
On a little blue bullet
Covered in seran wrap.

All we have to listen to,
Is the whispers of our neighbours
Lightly in our ears.
But I wish for other words
Just once, something fresh.
I yearn for it deeply.

Just once I beg,
A day without,
That fucking platitude again.

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