Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blissful Ignorance

They built a cave for me, crafted of clay.
Furnished for life, and dressed it so I'd stay.
Kissed my father once- mother always twice,
and the door collapsed, leaving was so nice.

I held teddy close, from loneliness shield.
Darkness crept in, only family did yield.
I slowly felt towards, my cup and string,
In this silent cave, only it did sing.

Days weathered on, eroded into years.
The cup to ear, my parents spoke as seers.
Their words painted skies, puffed many a cloud,
Wondered at such things, that I mouthed aloud.

Didn't stop at stars, sung of angel wings,
Told me of the Lord, and of Heaven's rings.
This pursed my brow. I understood the sky,
These words so odd though, wondered why they'd lie.

Time mirrors back, and I can see the past,
Knowledge newly earned, has me not aghast.
It was an act of love, to shield from truth,
A world so burnt now, wrapped in words so soothe.

Whetted as my mind was, urgent to dig.
I grabbed my first few stones, but none too big.
I felt the need strong, not for food or drink,
To see these things that, made it hard to think.

I worked in fever, had to know so bad.
Couldn't trust but, I loved my mom and dad.
Rocks piled backwards, from superstition'd steep
Filling up my bed, I worked without sleep.

The final keystone pulled, rocks tumbled down,
and the world as it was, naught but to frown.
The sky was was painted, but different shades yes.
Dark clouds did swirl, around a red mor'ess.

Lightning crashed, struck, and people cried again,
My parents came tailed, by women and men.
They spoke a truth profane. Painted in shame,
It seemed you see we, set the world aflame.

They had hid me then, struck me from the world,
To cover my eyes, as our death unfurled.
The walls were falling down, horns should've blown,
To see all of this, wished I hadn't known.

But time weathers on, and final years burn.
Stuck in that cave, I'd have no chance to learn.
Regret melts away, and peace settles in,
Blissful ignorance, is the only sin.

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